Thursday/ March 2, 2023 / 7pm
Bickersons Brewhouse 1514 Leary Way NW, Ballard in Seattle 98107
Free and Live streamed. Beers and soda available. Black Star Kebab Food Truck (5-9pm)
Are you worried about what we can do about climate change? Listen to leading members of Generation Atomic: They have done street theater in Europe at COP, organized a march from San Francisco to Sacramento, CA, to save Diablo Canyon Nuclear plant, helped people testify at legislative hearings, given workshops on nuclear education and activism, and work in the field, on the creation of advanced nuclear reactors.
Eric Meyer, founder and executive director Generation Atomic, Council Member city of Falcon Heights, MN.
Heather Hoff, nuclear reactor operator(materials engineering), co-founder Mothers for Nuclear
Nick Touran, PHD, nuclear engineer, specializes in reactor physics, engineering automation, and core design, public education website, Whatisnuclear.com
Gene Grecheck, Experienced nuclear executive with hands-on accomplishments in all facets of commercial nuclear power generation: operations, engineering, licensing, training, security and emergency planning, new plant development, and nuclear safety review.
Canon Bryan, founding shareholder and CFO of Terrestrial Energy (molten salt reactor design scheduled for deployment in the late 2020s).