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Nuclear energy is a key technology for both Earth and Space. Join Dr. Christopher Morrison, from Ultra Safe Nuclear, while he discusses the wide-ranging applications of nuclear energy focusing on his work in both fission and radioisotope power systems. These include micro modular reactors for Earth, lunar reactors, medical radioisotopes, and even the NASA NIAC Extra-Solar Express mission study proposing to return a sample from a comet from outside our solar system. Plenty of time at the end for Q & A.
Dr. Christopher Morrison is an Astro Nuclear Engineer at USNC-Tech in Seattle, Washington. He is the product lead for the EmberCoreTM radioisotope power technology (https://usnc.com/embercore/ ). This technology enables nuclear to power small compact systems for remote locations on Earth and in space. EmberCoreTM can be used to monitor the climate in ways not possible before.
Dr. Morrison graduated from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in 2012 with a B.S. in aerospace engineering and computer science. His passion for aerospace led him to nuclear. He sees nuclear as a key technology for enabling humanity to explore beyond Earth orbit.
He pursued his Ph.D. in nuclear engineering and graduated in 2017 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Chris is a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Program (NIAC) Fellow, Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program Fellow, member of the Explorer’s club, and founder of https://sign-language-blitz.